Penti Tofferi: Greenside Chip Shot

In this video, we will be discussing the importance of having a good understanding and routine for greenside chip shots in golf. Penti Tofferi, a renowned golf instructor, emphasizes the use of a seven iron, nine iron, and lob wedge for these shots, as they can work for almost any situation around the green.

The Purpose of Chip Shots

The main objective of a chip shot is to carry the ball over the unpredictable surface, land it on a predictable surface, and let it roll towards the hole. To achieve this,  Penti Tofferi suggests using a putting stroke with a different club. By using a club with more loft, such as a seven iron, the ball can be carried over the unpredictable grass and allowed to roll towards the hole. On the other hand, a nine iron is used for shots that don’t require as much distance.

Mechanics of the Chip Shot

Penti Tofferi explains that the mechanics of a chip shot are very similar to a putting stroke. The golfer should choke down on the club, have their feet together, hands left, and weight left. By playing the ball back off the right foot, it takes the grass out of the equation and allows for a cleaner strike on the ball.

Using Different Clubs

Penti Tofferi recommends using a seven iron for longer chip shots where the ball will need to land and roll a bit farther. The mechanics remain the same, but the distance covered by the ball will be greater. For shots that don’t require as much distance, a nine iron can be used with the same mechanics.

For shots that require more height and the ball to stop rolling sooner, Tofferi suggests using a lob wedge. The mechanics remain the same, but the loft of the club allows for a higher trajectory and more control over the ball.

Consistency and Vanilla Shots

Penti Tofferi emphasizes the importance of consistency in shot making. He advises golfers to think of chip shots as “vanilla shots” and to avoid getting too exotic with their technique. By sticking to the same mechanics and approach for each chip shot, golfers can achieve greater consistency in their game.

Penti Tofferi: Greenside Chip Shot

In this video, we will be discussing the importance of having a good understanding and routine for greenside chip shots in golf. Penti Tofferi, a renowned golf instructor, emphasizes the use of a seven iron, nine iron, and lob wedge for these shots, as they can work for almost any situation around the green.

The Purpose of Chip Shots

The main objective of a chip shot is to carry the ball over the unpredictable surface, land it on a predictable surface, and let it roll towards the hole. To achieve this,  Penti Tofferi suggests using a putting stroke with a different club. By using a club with more loft, such as a seven iron, the ball can be carried over the unpredictable grass and allowed to roll towards the hole. On the other hand, a nine iron is used for shots that don’t require as much distance.

Mechanics of the Chip Shot

Penti Tofferi explains that the mechanics of a chip shot are very similar to a putting stroke. The golfer should choke down on the club, have their feet together, hands left, and weight left. By playing the ball back off the right foot, it takes the grass out of the equation and allows for a cleaner strike on the ball.

Using Different Clubs

Penti Tofferi recommends using a seven iron for longer chip shots where the ball will need to land and roll a bit farther. The mechanics remain the same, but the distance covered by the ball will be greater. For shots that don’t require as much distance, a nine iron can be used with the same mechanics.

For shots that require more height and the ball to stop rolling sooner, Tofferi suggests using a lob wedge. The mechanics remain the same, but the loft of the club allows for a higher trajectory and more control over the ball.

Consistency and Vanilla Shots

Penti Tofferi emphasizes the importance of consistency in shot making. He advises golfers to think of chip shots as “vanilla shots” and to avoid getting too exotic with their technique. By sticking to the same mechanics and approach for each chip shot, golfers can achieve greater consistency in their game.

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In this article, we have discussed the importance of having a good understanding and routine for greenside chip shots in golf. Penti Tofferi recommends using a seven iron, nine iron, and lob wedge for these shots, as they can work for almost any situation around the green. By using a putting stroke with a different club, golfers can carry the ball over the unpredictable surface and let it roll towards the hole. Consistency and sticking to the same mechanics are key for successful chip shots. So, the next time you find yourself in a greenside chip situation, remember to keep it simple and aim for a “vanilla shot.”