Brett Meyer: Capturing your Swing


Brett Meyer is a Senior Instructor and Master Club fitter at the Leadbetter Golf Academy; World Headquarters in ChampionsGate, FL. Brett played his collegiate golf at small school in Pella, IA called Central College. During his time at CC, he earned All-Region honors, was the Captain of the golf team and played in the DIII National Championship. In 2009, Brett found his way into the Leadbetter Golf Academy and soon became an instructor in 2012. He regularly works with players on the PGA, LPGA and Euro Tours and oversees the entire club fitting operation at the Leadbetter Golf Academy.

Brett Meyer: Capturing your Swing


Brett Meyer is a Senior Instructor and Master Club fitter at the Leadbetter Golf Academy; World Headquarters in ChampionsGate, FL. Brett played his collegiate golf at small school in Pella, IA called Central College. During his time at CC, he earned All-Region honors, was the Captain of the golf team and played in the DIII National Championship. In 2009, Brett found his way into the Leadbetter Golf Academy and soon became an instructor in 2012. He regularly works with players on the PGA, LPGA and Euro Tours and oversees the entire club fitting operation at the Leadbetter Golf Academy.

V1 at Leadbetter

Brett Meyer is also a V1 Sports Instructor connecting the student to the teacher and the teacher to the student. V1 Sports has made it incredible easy for students to find an instructor and create a relationship with them. Brett gives us his thoughts on why he loves V1 Sports and how it has made him a better instructor!

When students send Brett videos there is one thing that all of the struggle with and that’s capturing their swing so instructors (like Brett) can diagnose the video with relative ease. Brett shows us the proper way of setting up your camera when capturing your swing from DTL and Faceon.

Benefits of the V1 App

The V1 app provides golfers with video analysis and putting drills to help them understand the reality of their swing versus what they are feeling. The app also allows golfers to compare their swings before and after making changes, which can help them set realistic goals.

Brett Meyer emphasizes the importance of getting the basics right from the start, such as grip, alignment, ball position, and balance.

Using the V1 App

Brett Meyer recommends downloading the V1 golf app and sending video of your swing to a professional for feedback. Myer then shows the proper way to video your swing to send to coaches using the V1 Pro app or V1 video analysis software.


True Swing

You probably think I’m crazy if I told you to swing WITHOUT your hands, right? 

Golf’s #1 female instructor has already used it to help more than 54,000 amateurs improve their contact, accuracy, and distance… Learn More Here


The V1 golf app is a great tool for golfers of all levels to get feedback on their swing. It provides video analysis and putting drills