Dee Tidwell: Stay Hydrated

Tame Your Game golf fitness instructor Dee Tidwell stresses the importance of hydration while playing a round of golf. Proper hydration can make all the difference in your round. While your buddies are slowing down on the back nine you are properly hydrated and mentally prepared for any task ahead.

Dee Tidwell: Stay Hydrated

Tame Your Game golf fitness instructor Dee Tidwell stresses the importance of hydration while playing a round of golf. Proper hydration can make all the difference in your round. While your buddies are slowing down on the back nine you are properly hydrated and mentally prepared for any task ahead.

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True Swing

You probably think I’m crazy if I told you to swing WITHOUT your hands, right? 

Golf’s #1 female instructor has already used it to help more than 54,000 amateurs improve their contact, accuracy, and distance… Learn More Here